Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day two The Seige are the bed bugs winning?

 It feels like day 183million, These nasty blood sucking fuckers have me sacked..not the blue painted hotties, that sacked York in Braveheart.... nooooo  its everything I freaken own sacked in a plastic bag. So, I fight and wait for the terminator. He came last week and confirmed, I was like, "Duh". He said, "I'll be back." Not the sexy Arnold quote, just the terminex man. I was like, " wait.... no.. kill them now." He will come Thursday with liquid nitrogen, a vacuum and perform some miracle just like the Wizard of Oz. Pay no attention to the man behind the bloody curtain.  Then oh yes, joy of joys I get to wait two weeks while the little, stick to everything, eggs hatch. If that isn't bad enough, lets toss in the fact that they are asexual. For you non science, non English majors that means they can screw themselves and make eggs. 
The point of these creatures existence? I have no clue. I mean cockroaches we know their reason for being, they are suppose to out live human kind, Cher and Keith Richards and the freaken ghost of Elvis. Bed bugs on the other hand exist only to make life for those that are so lucky to have them a living hell of endless vacuuming and laundry....hmm wait, did I die??? 

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