I have this friend! She's funny, smart, driven, and I'm so happy that she is back in my life.
I got to thinking about her today and I remembered one of our adventures.*Grin*
We were living together in Colorado. I was in one of my moods and feeling like seeing what was down the road. It was the butt crack of dawn for her, so I made coffee and went into her room and woke her up. " Get up sunshine, ROAD TRIP!!!" and I shoved the coffee under her nose. How I managed to not get slugged by her I'll never know because I know I had done this to her several times in the past. Anyway..... she cursed me I'm sure but being the absolutely fantastic friend that she is, she pulled her ass out of bed threw on some clothes and we got into the La Bamba ( land yacht) and headed north northeast on I 76. I had decided since none of us had been to Nebraska, that day would be the day to pop our "never been to hayseed land" cherries. Smoking a big fat joint helped a lot too. So we drove and drove, ( its freaken endless and flat out that way) and got rippin baked so as to end the flat land tedium.
After what seemed like hours, ( hour and half) we crossed the state line and pulled into a gas station. We were all feeling pretty good and it was decided that a little humour was in order. Going inside we walked up to the counter, (I'm sure we reeked of weed) and we asked the guy standing there where Colorado was. Remind you, we were right over the state line in a car with Colorado plates. The guy looked at us as if we had lost our minds and then proceeded to explain that it was right at the next exit. I believe that is when we informed him that we must have missed the whole state. Laughing our heads off cause we thought we were so funny we bought munchie food and left the bewildered gas station attendant and headed further into Nebraska.
I don't remember much more about the day except that I shot several rolls of film ( where those pictures are I have no idea) and at the end of this random road we followed we found an odd valley and a "Little House on the Prairie" church. It seemed weird this old church out in the middle of no where. Could be that I imagined the church I was pretty stoned. All and all an excellent adventure.
I am looking forward to having more adventures with her when I head up to see her this spring. Hoo ya!!
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