"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." Einstein.
This quote that means a lot. I stopped questioning and my curiosity went to sleep. Without that, I stopped going down a random road or seeing what was over the next hill. One gets so focused on survival one loses the luxury of dreaming and being curious. Ones priorities shift and its a day to day events that grab the focus. Its not the inability to balance its the lack of time left to permit oneself to dream. The dreams get so lost one forgets they ever had them. Whimsical, the childlike wonder, the laughing all get lost.
I have a friend that did not lose their whimsy, dreams, and looks at the world with wonder filled eyes. When I'm around this person all I want to do is smile and laugh, even during a disagreement. This person is down right now and all I want to be is silly, ridiculous, funny, anything to bring the smile back into this persons voice. It is not that I disrespect what they are going through its more like I want to bring the sunshine back to this persons cloudy day.
A time comes when you find those dreams again, you reach for the whimsical, you look once again at the world in childlike wonder and you laugh, laugh laugh.
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